2020년 3월 2일 월요일

회개 없는 심령에 영생 구원의 믿는 도리를 주입시키면 <살인자>가 되는 것을 아시는가?

세계적으로 명성을 떨친 1907년 한국교회 부흥은
평양 한 중심 교회의 주동 장로 길선주의 회개
즉 "내가 바로 아간(수 7:1,20/22:20)입니다!" 하고
일요일 저녁 예배 중간에 심혼을 쥐어짜며 나오듯 하는 죄의 고백이
그 첫 신호탄이었고 그 순간 1,500 청중의 심금이 녹아내리기 시작
각자의 죄를 회개하는 자백들이 걷잡을 수 없이 쏟아지게 되어
그 날 오후 7시의 저녁 집회가 이튿날 새벽 2시까지 이어져
그 후 연달아 이 회개의 거센 파도는 전국을 휩쓸었다.

이 회개의 결실을 이룬 것은 당시 장로/감리교 주한 선교사 20명의
정오기도회였다. 처음은 매일 1시간으로 정했다가
1달이 지나도 결과가 없어 기도를 그만 두자는 말이 나왔으나
그럴수록 더 간절히 구하자는 의견이 우세하여
1시간으로만 그치지 않고 오후 4시까지로 작정하여 이어갔고
그 후로는 원하면 저녁 식사 시간까지 이어나가 이렇게
도합 <넉달>간의 집요한 기도회의 열매였던 것이다.
이런 끈질긴 합심 기도회는 초대교회 이후 처음이었고
그 부흥 역사의 규모도 사도시대 교회 이후 처음이었다. 
지금까지 그런 정도의 성령의 역사가 일어난 적이 없다. 
이는 동일한 역사가 오늘날 일어날 수 있다는 의미이다.  

In June, 1907, Mr. Swallen, of Ping Yang, told me how they came to see greater things in Korea. Said he, "I personally didn't expect to see greater blessings in Korea than we had seen up to the middle of 1906. When we compared our results in Korea with those in China, Japan and elsewhere, we saw that our ingatherings far exceeded anything in those lands, and we came to the conclusion that probably God did not intend to grant us greater blessings than we had already seen. But we got our eyes opened at Seoul, in September, 1906, when Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston, of New York, told us of the revival in the Kassia Hills, India, in 1905-6, where they had baptized 8,200 converts during the two years.

"We missionaries returned home to Ping Yang humbled. There were over twenty of us in the Methodist and Presbyterian Missions at Ping Yang. We reasoned that since our God was not a respecter of persons, He did not wish to give greater blessings in the Kassia Hills than in Ping Yang, so we decided to pray at the noon hour until greater blessing came.
"After we had prayed about a month, a brother proposed that we stop 'the prayer-meeting, saying, 'We have prayed about a month, and nothing unusual has come of it. We are spending a lot of time. I don't think we are justified. Let us go on with our work as usual, and each pray at home as we find it convenient.' The proposal seemed plausible. However, the majority decided to continue the prayer-meeting, believing that the Lord would not deny Ping Yang what He had granted to Kassia."

They decided to give more time to prayer instead of less. With that view they changed the hour from twelve to four o'clock; then they were free to pray until suppertime if they wished. There was little else than prayer. If anyone had an encouraging item to relate, it was given as they continued in prayer. They prayed about four months, and they said the result was that all forgot about being Methodists and Presbyterians; they only realized that they were all one in the Lord Jesus Christ. That was true church union; it was brought about on the knees; it would last; it would glorify the Most High.

About that time Mr. Swallen, along with Mr. Blair, visited one of the country out-stations. While conducting the service in the usual way many commenced weeping and confessing their sins. Mr. Swallen said he had never met with anything so strange, and he announced a hymn, hoping to check the wave of emotion which was sweeping over the audience. He tried several times, but in vain, and in awe he realized that Another was managing that meeting; and he got as far out of sight as possible. Next morning he and Mr. Blair returned to the city rejoicing, and told how God had come to the out-station. All praised God and believed that the time to favor Ping Yang was close at hand.

It had now come to the first week of January, 1907. They all expected that God would signally bless them during the week of universal prayer. But they came to the last day, the eighth day, and yet there was no special manifestation of the power of God. That Sabbath evening about fifteen hundred people were assembled in the Central Presbyterian Church. The heavens over them seemed as brass. Was it possible that God was going to deny them the prayed-for outpouring? Then all were startled as Elder Keel, the leading man in the church, stood up and said, "I am an Achan. God can't bless because of me. About a year ago a friend of mine, when dying, called me to his home and said, 'Elder, 1 am about to pass away; I want you to manage my affairs; my wife is unable.' I said, 'Rest your heart; I will do it.' I did manage that widow's estate, but I managed to put one hundred dollars of her money into my own pocket. I have hindered God, I am going to give that one hundred dollars back to that widow tomorrow morning.

Instantly it was realized that the barriers had fallen, and that God, the Holy One, had come. Conviction of sin swept the audience. The service commenced at seven o'clock Sunday evening, and did not end until two o'clock Monday morning, yet during all that time dozens were standing weeping, awaiting their turn to confess. Day after day the people assembled now, and always it was manifest that the Refiner was in His temple. Let man say what he will, these confessions were controlled by a power not human. Either the devil or the Holy Spirit caused them. No divinely enlightened mind can for one instant believe that the devil caused that chief man in the church to confess such a sin. It hindered the Almighty God while it remained covered, and it glorified Him as soon as it was uncovered; and so with rare exceptions did all the confessions in Korea that year.

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